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A Religious Toxic Affair

                                           Atheism and the Christian Realm

Claude Henri De Rouvroy, August Comte, Dan Barker, Michael Shermer, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and many more. These men form what I would like to refer to as “The Atheistic Society”. They are rebels of Christianity and any other existing religious group that man-kind dares to believe in. They are the fathers of a world that believes in nature and evolution, a world of complete conformity and praise to nature and human-ruling, a world of complete natural order-or disorder- but most importantly to them, a world that does not believe in a living god or any spiritual being. This article is about to tackle an issue that is more or less viewed as a cliché by many.

ATHEISM carries the notion of no god and simply focuses on nature worship and evolution. Christianity on the opposite hand, is the belief of a god and spiritual beings, and has been considered sacred over the past centuries. Now as defined, it is plain to see that these two beliefs are enemies and some of the reasons for this rapidly evolving rivalry are as follows:
Atheists believe that Christianity is wrong. They believe that priest – hood will soon become abolished as it lacks sense. Christians believe that priest- hood will never abolish as it is a way of teaching Gods’ children his laws and ways. It is believed that God’s word is man’s recipe to living an eternal life.

Secondly, atheists believe that the study of evolution is far more enlightening and transcendent, spiritual and intriguing compared to anything that has allegedly been discovered in the study of Christianity. Christians beg to differ, and I include myself, for it is believed that as it is one of the most well- known religions around the world, Christianity is one of the most spiritual and holistic religions that one may ever study or experience.
Lastly, a very influential atheist once said that when understanding of the universe has become widespread, Christianity doctrine will be convicted of absurdity. Ladies and gentlemen, that influential man was the one and only Adolf Hitler which. Christianity views the worship of any other God/s as a blasphemy as it plays against the scriptures of the holy book and God’s commandments to his children.  

On a daily basis, atheists all over the world seek to paint and promote atheism as holier, believing that it consists of more morals than Christianity. They, atheists, lurk in the shadows and are attempting to establish their new world order which will oppose the supposedly man-made religions of this world. These rebels are out and about even at this very moment, advertising their new world order. The first question I believe lies here: what is the new world order and what world order do atheists want to instil in the world?The new world order is a generic term used to refer to a world-wide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically – related individuals which include many of the worlds’ wealthiest people, top political leaders and corporate elite. The atheists are advertising their world order by preaching the pseudo-gospel of neo-pagan atheism which means awe in nature or simply nature worship. Many scientists like Albert Einstein believe that nature worship and evolution is the pre-eminent story of our age and an epic saga about: WHO WE ARE, WHERE WE CAME FROM AND WHERE WE ARE GOING. This is a representation of the atheist new world order as neo-pagan genesis. Now as most of us would know, in order for an army to go into battle, there needs to be a team or individual leader in the frontlines of the war and in this battle against Christ and his followers, there are still many living influential atheists who would love to see Christianity surrender to the atheist world- order.  
These men and women are still promoting their so called ‘Religion’ and are trying to persuade people into believing that Christianity is absurd or paradoxical. According to Richard Dawkins, “Science can offer a vision of life and out-classes any of the mutually contradictory faiths and disappointingly, recent traditions of the worlds’ religions”.

Sam Harris, who is a renowned religious faith critic and devote atheist, elaborates on this point by stating that, “at some point, there is going to be enough pressure that it is just going to be too embarrassing to believe in a God”. As a devoted Christian I am against anything or any faith that contradicts my own but cannot help, but stop to ask myself: What are we as Christians doing about this? Allow me to elaborate. We are living in a developing society and as we grow and conform to the ways of the western world, we become or fall into contentment of the western ways, which ultimately results in the loss of our faith. As absurd as my beliefs may seem to the ideal atheist, I believe that it is much better to live in this world believing in God hoping to live and lead a good and decent life, than to simply live my life with an emptiness that cannot be filled.

My heart bleeds today when I look at the manner in which the church has been turned into an unholy sanctuary, bringing disgrace to the work and reputable reputation that many of our forebears, from the times of Abraham and Peter to that of Graham and Ngidi, who tried to promote the true meaning and mission of the church and gospel, which has been tainted by the foul play portrayed by self-appointed “Men and Women of God”. I ask myself if the fallen heroes of the Gospel or religion rest peacefully in their graves or simply thirst to raise from their tombs in order to re-write the stories being written today by recent men and women who claim to promote the word of God, truthfully. I ask myself if we as fellow Christians living in the western world, which rebels against our core beliefs, are doing enough to win the lost souls of this world, or are we feeding secret societies such as the Atheist society with more power.

A week does not seize to go by without a Priest making headlines for either feeding his or her congregation grass, snakes, soil, laundering money, committing adulterous acts, raping young victims or any other wicked action considered as sinful biblically or lawfully. Is this our purpose as Christians? No, I believe it not. I wish to see our leaders revisiting their holy books and asking the Lord for new direction. Nowadays, the church has turned into a business, where the poor and needy are fooled into believing that by making massive contributions to their pastors or priests, the windows of heaven will surely open and blessings will come falling down from heaven. Perhaps in some cases this may be true, but I have not once come across a scripture in my bible that speaks of preaching the gospel of prosperity alone but should cover all aspects of sin, for example: I find it quite banal and absurd to listen to the same sermon every day that revolves around the same theme or sin, such as adultery or whoremongers. What about other sins such as lying, theft, gossiping, jealousy, pride or judging others- sins which I believe are committed in isolation and can poison a person’s inner being without much effort. I believe that the sole purpose of Christ coming down to a sinful earth was to demonstrate the manner in which man-kind should live and also to cleanse us of sin- the gospel of surrendering to the divine and living in worship, prayer and serenity with God. The book of Colossians (2:6) states that, “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him…” Nowadays, there is more sin in the church than there is outside its boundaries which draws back to the main concern of this article. In this religious showcase, there really can only be one victor, the atheist or the Christian. Lest Christians unite and start following the path of the Almighty…

Upon reflection of this, I also draw on the book of 1st Peter (4:17-19) which states that “For the time is come that judgement must begin in the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?, And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator”. The scripture needs no elaboration. Furthermore, I realize that the more the atheist leaders thirst to establish their new world order, the more I am reminded of ROMANS (1: 18-28) which refers to: “…men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honour him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of their mortal God for images resembling mortal man…Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity…because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind…” The world is drawing nearer and nearer to its end, which Religious group will succeed?

Till next time, stay liberal!



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